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portdowngrade helps to downgrade
FreeBSD ports by analyzing the history of commits to the port and
presenting the user the list of changes. By selecting one, the port can
be set back to a previous version easily. Why? Some time ago I updated all my installed ports, as usual. Later I realized, that I could not compile any source tarball. The reason was a bug in the latetest version of an obscure xml package. But how to go back to the release I had the day before (which worked)? I investigated the port changes in the cvs repository through FreeBSD's the web interface. Here I insepcted all commit comments to find out, which file versions might form a working, older release. After downloading and copying these file to the correct location in the ports tree, I could 'downgrade' the port by the usual FreeBSD port mechanism. A lot of work! portdowngrade automatizes all these steps, from inspecting the cvs repository to showing all commit comments up to checking out a specific release and copying it into the ports tree. With just a few key presses a lot of work is saved. Please use the navigational links on the left or visit the source forge project summary. |